Monday, May 20, 2013

To Ze Lumber Yard!

A couple of times now (pretty sure it's going to be in the recital) we've done this combination across the floor. It starts with a standard set of chassé-sauté arabesques and then all hell breaks loose and you bring one foot in to coupé derriere and then some piqué craziness happens and... well god only knows.
But today, in the lumber aisle at the hardware store (we're moving. I spend like ten hours a week at the hardware store, these days.) while I was waiting for my husband and the wood-cutting dude to finish their tête-à-tête, I sort of veeeerrrrrry slooooooooowly cranked it out. No one was watching me, I feel like I should mention that. Then I did it on the other side. You know, so I would be even.


  1. I challenge you to a Leibster award! RAWR! Dare to try my questions?!

    1. ha! I had another request a day or two ago, I will try to smush them all together at some point in the near future.

  2. hahahaha i do this too! i practice moves that i can do reasonably easily while polishing at work, or pushing a cart at the grocery store, or in target... just because. or just standing en pointe in my ballet flats wherever im standing that i can safely support myself..... (i bought REAL pointe shoes today!!! oh they are glorious!) so you are not the only one :)

    1. Congratulations on your pointe shoes! I will pop all of my toes in you honor, tonight. Ahhhh...
